How to create your own collection:
Option A:
1. a. Hover over the "Create" button on the top of Rarible's home page and then click on "Collection."
b. Under your profile, click on the "Create" button and then select "Collection."
c. Under collections on your profile, click on "Create a collection."
2. A pop-up will appear that requires you to select a blockchain.
3. Select whether you would like to create a "Single" or "Multiple" collection.
4. Fill in the required fields to personalize your collection and then click on "Create collection."
An example of an ERC721 "Single" Collection
An example of an ERC1155 "Multiple" Collection
5. Approve the transaction in your wallet.
6. Your collection has been created!
Note: You can find your collection under "Collections" on your profile.
Option B:
Create a collection through minting an NFT.
Follow the: How do I create an NFT? guide for more information about this process.
Note: Once you reach the step to choose which collection you would like to mint your NFT to, ensure that you click on the “Create” button and not Rarible's collection.
Note: If you would like an in-depth demonstration about how to create a collection on Rarible, watch our YouTube video: