By customizing your marketplace's page title and meta description, you can improve the visibility of your marketplace in search engine results.
Additionally, creating a custom social sharing preview can enhance your brand engagement, maintain consistent branding across different channels and improve the overall user experience.
Steps to Setup your Marketplace's SEO:
1. Go on to your dashboard.
2. Click on "SEO."
3. Update the "Title" field.
Note: There's a 60-character limit. We recommend you use descriptive text and relevant keywords to increase your search engine ranking.
4. Update the "Meta description" field.
Note: There is a 165-character limit. We recommend you use descriptive text and relevant keywords to increase your search engine ranking.
5. Upload an image in the "Social media sharing" section.
Note: Click on "Upload" or drag and drop a file to the image section. Rarible supports PNG & WEBP formats with a max size of 100mb. We recommend an image size of 1200 × 628px.
6. Click on "Save."
7. Sign the approval message in your wallet to ensure the changes are saved.
8. Your marketplace's SEO will now be setup.
Note: If you would like an in-depth demonstration about how to setup your marketplace's SEO, watch our Loom video: here.