Are you wanting to update your marketplace footer by adding links to your social media accounts? In this guide, you'll find out how.
Steps to Update your Marketplace's Footer
1. Go on to your dashboard.
2. Select "Design" and then click on "Customize design."
3. Click on "Social media links."
4. Select "+ Add social media account."
5. Fill in your social media account names or website link that you want featured on your footer in the respective fields. For example, X (Twitter), Instagram, Discord and Website.
6. Click on "Save & Publish" once you're satisfied with your updates.
7. Sign the approval message in your wallet to ensure the changes are saved.
8. Your social media and/or website links will now be added to your footer.
Note: If you would like an in-depth demonstration about how to customize your marketplace's footer, watch our Loom video: here.