You may be wanting to expand the items that you have on your page and would like to buy more than one item or, maybe you have already found a few different NFTs that you would love to buy. Instead of having to go through the process of purchasing each one of these individual items one by one, you are able to purchase all of them in one transaction thus making it easier for you to expand the items that you own. Continue reading this guide in order to find out how you can expand the items that you own by buying many NFTs in one go.
Steps to purchase multiple items in one go:
1. Go onto the explore page and find the NFTs that you would like to purchase.
2. On each NFT that you would like to purchase, firstly, click on the three dots on the bottom right-
hand side of the NFT and then click on the "Add to bag" option.
3. Click on your shopping bag on the top right-hand side of the Rarible page. Your bag will then open
and you will be able to see the items in your bag that you have selected to purchase. If you decide
that you don't want to purchase one or more of the items that you have put into your bag, you are
able to remove it by hovering over the item and clicking on "Remove."
4. Click on the "Check out" button at the bottom of your shopping bag.
5. On the "Check out" page, click on "Proceed to payment."
6. Sign the transaction that follows.
Now, you should hopefully have the knowledge to purchase more than one item in one go with ease. The variety of NFTs that you have purchased will appear on your page. We wish you all the best with expanding the unique artwork that you own.