The main wallet that RARI Chain is deployed on is MetaMask however, you can also add RARI Chain to other wallets manually. RARI Chain also has a testnet network that you are able to use on to practice using Rarible before starting your journey on our mainnet.
Adding RARI Chain to MetaMask:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Add Chain to Metamask."
3. In your wallet, select "Switch network."
4. You will now be connected to and active on RARI Chain.
Manually Add RARI Chain to Your Wallet:
1. In your wallet, go on to your networks.
2. Select to manually input a network.
3. Input the following details:
- Network Name: RARI Chain
- Chain ID: 1380012617
- Currency Symbol: ETH
4. RARI Chain will now be added to your wallet.
Manually Add RARI Chain's Testnet to Your Wallet:
1. In your wallet, go on to your networks.
2. Select to manually input a network.
Note: Ensure that you've selected that this is a testnet network.
3. Input the following details:
- Network Name: RARI Testnet
- Chain ID: 1918988905
- Currency Symbol: ETH
4. RARI Chain's testnet will now be added to your wallet.
You can learn more about RARI Chain at:
Note: If you would like an in-depth demonstration about how to add RARI Chain to your wallet, watch our YouTube video: