You're able to participate in RARI DAO governance once you've locked your $RARI. Once you've locked your $RARI, you'll have veRARI. The amount of veRARI that you hold determines your level of voting power to submit and vote on proposals that are on-chain.
Governance Process
1. Idea creation and discussion
Proposals are received from future creators and the community provides their feedback.
2. Proposal is submitted
After the feedback has been accessed by the creators, they submit a formal proposal draft. The final draft is then sent to the formal RARI DAO forum where the wider community has seven days to analyse the idea. Final feedback is then provided to the creators.
3. Final submission and voting
The RARI DAO community votes "for," "against" or abstain the proposal.
Note: If you're the creator of the idea, you need to have at least 5000 veRARI or help from a community member who has 5000 or more votes in approval of your proposal.
4. "Cooldown" period
The proposal is investigated further to ensure that there are no potentially illegal, exploitative or malicious aspects of the proposal.
5. Implementation
If the proposal has been approved through the prior steps, the creator can then administer and implement their initiative.
Note: If you would like to learn more about Governance on the Foundation, you can visit: