RARI Foundation is governed by the community. The aim of RARI Foundation is to aid the growth of the NFT economy and help the community achieve the mission of discovering and powering new NFT uses.
Those who hold $RARI become a part of the RARI DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) and gain a degree of power and say about decisions on Rarible. Having $RARI gives you the ability to control the Foundation's treasury and govern the protocol through on-chain, decentralized governance systems.
RARI Foundation is funded by its Operational Budgets that are approved by the DAO. This enables the continuation of RARI Foundation's operations and ensures that it meets its obligations.
If you would like to learn more about $RARI, you can read this article: What is $RARI?
If you would like to learn more about Rarible protocol, you can read this article: What is Rarible Protocol?
If you would like to learn more about RARI Foundation, you can do so on: https://rari.foundation/