The $RARI rewards program aims to increase the minting and liquidity of NFT collections within Rarible's ecosystem. RARI Foundation sets a date when you'd need to place a collection on Rarible's marketplace and an expiry date when the rewards program will end. If you meet these requirements, you qualify for $RARI rewards.
1000 $RARI is awarded daily to the collectors who have the most competitive bids on the collections that are entered in the competition. A point system is used to determine the winners and is based on trading riskiness as well as the volume of bids. Rewards are also granted to those who mint four specific NFTs from the entered collections.
Note: The minimum qualifying bid offer is at least 75% of the collection's floor price.
If you attain a $RARI reward, you'll see it on your RARI Foundation profile. You can claim your reward on when it's available. You will however need to pay your blockchain's gas fees to attain your reward and transfer it to your wallet.
Note: You can learn more about the $RARI rewards program on: &